Depending on where in Stagecoach Trace you call home, different covenants apply. Although very similar across the board, there are subtle differences from one set to the next, so please be sure to view the correct covenants based on your address.
Provided below is information you need in the event you would like to make modifications to your property. If you have any questions, contact the Board of Directors.
Covenants by Sector
Each home in Stagecoach is assigned to a Sector based on the phase the neighborhood was constructed. Sector 1 covenants apply to all sectors, and if you are in Sectors 2, 3, 4, or 5, then those covenants are amendments to each sector. For example, if you live in Sector 4, covenants for Sector 1 applies with exception to the amendments noted in Sector 4. Any amended covenants that have occurred over the years applies to all sectors.
Click the links below to access PDF versions of the covenants for each sector. Not sure what sector you live in, view the map below.
Sector 1: All homes on Sunset Trail and Sunrise Court, 100-101 Horseshoe Circle, 100-136 Silverstone Lane. In addition to All Sectors-Amended Covenants listed below.
Sector 2: Homes located 139-174 Silverstone Lane, All homes on Star View Circle and Blue Sky Lane. In addition to All Sectors-Amended Covenants listed below.
Sector 3: Homes located 178-241 Silverstone Lane. In addition to All Sectors-Amended Covenants listed below.
Sector 4: Homes located 102-146 Horseshoe Circle. In addition to All Sectors-Amended Covenants listed below.
Sector 5: All homes on Morning Mist Trail. In addition to All Sectors-Amended Covenants listed below.
All Sectors: 3.20 Mailboxes: All mailboxes must meet the design criteria established. Stagecoach has custom mailbox posts, contact the Board for supplier information to replace a post.
All Sectors – Amended Covenants
3.27 Lease/Rentals & 4.1 Upkeep Amended Covenants
3.2 Storage Shed Requirements Addendum
3.12 Fence & 4.12 Tree Requirements Addendums
Architectural Review Committee Requests
The scope of review by the Stagecoach Trace Residential Association’s Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is limited to appearance only and does not include any responsibility or authority to review for structural soundness, compliance with building codes or standards or any other similar or dissimilar factors.
All changes, additions and modifications to the exterior of any dwelling or lot must be approved by the ARC PRIOR to the beginning of any work. This includes addition of fences or storage sheds, or modifications of exterior color or garage doors. A new project request form must be submitted for review by the ARC (see Declaration of Protective Covenants, Article V, Architectural Review Committee).
After the submission of the new project request form, a copy of the proposed plans can be emailed to [email protected]. Any/and all approval of the referenced plans, which have been approved by the ARC, shall terminate and be rendered void if construction is not begun within six (6) months after the date of such approval by the ARC.
City Ordinance for Addresses
The city adopted Ordinance No. 171009-48 that requires visible address numbers that are readable from the street. Each house should have the house number on the front of the house that must be at least 4 inches in height.
Additionally, we encourage residents to replace mailbox numbers to deter a safety issue for your family if emergency services are needed, but also help your mail carrier and precious Amazon packages arrive at the correct location.
Policy Regarding Violation of Covenants
Drive-through inspections are performed monthly. Association members will be notified in writing of any covenant violations observed on their property. The member will have 14 days from the date of the letter to resolve the issue or contact the Board of Directors to work out a satisfactory solution to the violation.
A follow-up inspection will be performed and if the violation has not been corrected, a second letter will be sent out allowing 10 days for resolution to the violation. If not corrected within 10 days, a 3rd letter will be sent out notifying the homeowner of the continued violation. The 3rd letter will allow 10 days for resolution to the violation, and if the Association is not contacted and no corrective measures have been taken, the Association will pursue further action. This action can include legal enforcement, assessment of $250, and revocation of common space access, including the swimming pool.
If the violation is corrected and a repeat violation for the same issue occurs within 12 months, it will be treated as if the first violation had not been corrected.
Alabama Homeowners Act of 2016
A law passed by the Alabama legislature and signed into effect by Gov. Bentley requires all HOA associations formed on or after January 1, 2016 to comply to its regulations. HOA Associations formed prior to 1/1/2016 may elect to be governed by the law if a majority of the homeowners vote to be to do so.
Stagecoach was incorporated in 1999 and is “grandfathered” under the law. Under our current covenants and by-laws, we are in compliance with many of the regulations. For your interest, we have listed below, in paraphrase, some of the most important issues that are addressed by the law and how your BOD is positioned.
- The HOA shall be incorporated as a non-profit corporation.
- Stagecoach Trace HOA was incorporated as a non-profit company in 1999.
- The Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws and covenants must be on file with the State and County.
- Stagecoach Trace is compliant.
- The HOA shall provide – Communication to members; rules to conduct meetings; financial records; rules for maintaining common areas and penalties for violations; power to grant easements, and concessions over common areas; statements for paying of dues; and preparation and submission of an annual budget.
- Stagecoach Trace is compliant.
- The HOA may provide for – Insurance for the association, its officers and directors; fidelity bonds for anyone controlling any funds; periodic audits of the financials; power to acquire property for the association; and power to hire a management agency.
- Stagecoach Trace is compliant with most of these non-mandatory issues.
- Notice and a method for an open election of HOA officers during an open meeting.
- Stagecoach Trace is compliant. The election meeting is held each Spring and ballots are distributed to all homeowners to participate.
- The HOA BOD has the power to suspend a homeowner’s rights to common areas for nonpayment of dues; and to assess reasonable penalties for the violation of SCT rules and regulations.
- Stagecoach Trace is compliant.
- If a member violates the covenants, the BOD may exercise actions against the member; assess a penalty against a member after giving the member proper notice and a reasonable time to address the violation; and enforce other “rights” against the violating member.
- Stagecoach Trace is compliant.
- The BOD may place a lien on the properties of members for non-payment of dues; violations of covenant regulations; and violation of other rules as declared by the HOA BOD.
- Stagecoach Trace is compliant.
- The BOD shall maintain records of all meetings and make these records available to any member within a reasonable time.
- Stagecoach Trace is compliant.
- The HOA BOD shall provide, upon written request, to any member or any new potential member a number of documents pertaining to the association and properties.
- Stagecoach Trace is compliant.
Again, above, we have attempted to summarize this Alabama law which regulates homeowner associations. As you can see, the law is extensive; however, your HOA is very much within compliance with all the significant and relative sections.
Not sure what sector you live in, view the map below.